Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Soy Protein- A Complete Protein

Soybean protein is a "complete protein" as it provides all of the essential amino acids that must be provided to the human body because of the body's inability to synthesize them. It is very rich in nutritive components. Besides the very high protein content, soybeans contains a lot of fibre and are rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, folic acid, vitamin B6, copper , zinc and niacin and less saturated fats.
A half bowl of cooked soybean provides approximately 16 gms of protein.
 Soy is a very good source of protein for vegetarians especially for vegans and lactose intolerance people soy foods are the richest source of protein.
The intake of soy foods helps in reducing the serum cholesterol levels, low density lipoprotein (LDL, bad) cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations, maintains B.P, weight loss, reduces the risk of breast cancer, prevents constipation; reduces the risk of heart failure, osteoporosis and arthritis.
Soy protein can be consumed in forms: Soybeans; Soy milk; soy yogurt; tofu; soy nuts; Tempeh; Natto; Shoyu; Miso; Soy isolated products.
Including soy food in the breakfast will help in increasing the protein, fiber and the micro-nutrients in the first meal.

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